Friday 29 January 2010

Continuation of Analysis Of A Thriller/Action Film

With each of these quick changes the camera angles change.

The camera angles of the shots continue to change throughout the opening sequence, using a wide range of shots.

The first few shots also play with the viewers mind and make the audience think; as it's not clear whats happening. The backgrounds of the shots are also quite dark, added with the music makes the film unnerving. Non-diegetic sound, usually music can be heard throughout the opening sequence, at first only qietly so more diegetic sound, such as noises from the action going on can be heard. As the opening sequence continues the music gets louder, by having it like this means it adds tension.

The use of lighting to create shadows is also used quite a lot in thriller films. This could be to add an aspect of mystery, to add darkness or to highlight something in the shot.

Injuries and violence are also common to action films. In this film a large part of the opening sequence focuses on the injuries sustained by the main character which clearly came from violence. Guns are another things often featured in action films and evidence of them are seen in the opening sequence.

During the opening sequence the screen darkens and light blue letters can be seen which then move to form the white block letters of the title. The letters then disassemble theirselves to their original blue form.

All of these are codes and conventions of thriller/action genre films. When film makers put together films they use these codes and conventions to show what genre the film is and to make successful films.


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