Friday 29 January 2010

Settings Research

When Researching and Planning for our film we looked at different settings that could be used. As shown inthe post above ^^, we conducted a questonnaire which included a question about what types of settings people like to see in films. Using this information we considered what settings we would use in our film.

A Forest.

A Forest setting is often used in films and are used a lot in horror films, usually when a character is running away from something.

A Shopping Centre.

Films usually set in Shoppping Centres tend to be comedy films, there are a few other genre of film that have chanced the Shopping Centre setting but it can be restricting to what can be done.

A Car Park.

Car Parks are featured in many films of all genres and can make great settings and some important parts of films can take place there.

A House.

A House is another setting used in many films of all genres. It is especially good for horrors and actions. There are a lot of films that use houses as settings but do not use them as main ones and have quick shots in them, this can often be someone runnig through the house or getting something from the house.


A Plane is often used in action and thriller films and can be a good part of the storyline to help extend it.

What We Decided

We decided that a forest was a good choice of setting as it gave us a wide variety of possibilities in what we could do with it in our film.

We thought that the shopping centre would be a good setting but was not really suitable for the kind of film we are hoping to produce. It would also be very hard for us to film in a shopping centre wiothout any people getting in the way and also we would probably need permission to do so.

We decided that a car park was another good choice of setting and gave us a variety of possibilites and could fit in with many storylines.

We decided a house was good and we could use it for quick shots or as a main setting in our film.

We decided that even though a plane would be a good setting, it would be incredibly hard to film on and didn't really suit our genre of film.

After considering all of those settings we decided that the best ones for us would be the forest, car park and house. These settings give us a variety of possibilities and major parts of the film can be centerd around particualar settings.

When it came down to which ones to actually use we decided, that the forest was going to be our main setting and most of our opening sequence would be featured there. We also decided that near the end of our opening sequence we should switch to another setting. This setting would be a living room in a house and that this would be where the opening sequence would finish.


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