Friday 29 January 2010

Analysis Of A Horror/Mystery Film

The Ring - Analysing the opening sequence of a horror/mystery film

I know The Ring is a horror/mystery due to number of codes and conventions conveyed in the opening sequence of the film.

During the first two minutes of this film the audience receives clues on what the film is going to be about, the audience also know where the film is set and who some of the main characters are.

During the first two minutes of this film we see a setting shot of the house, the camera is focused as a mid shot on the house to focus the viewers attention on the house, we then see two girls sitting casually in a bedroom watching TV, this casual nature makes the audience know they are friends who enjoy each others company. The camera then shows a close up on the TV showing the audience that a TV will play a major part in this film. The camera then has a close up on the girls faces as they talk about a mysterious video tape, the close up is so the audience can see their expressions and to focus the audience on their conversation.

- Raining makes the scene feel miserable and dreary unlike a fantasy which may be very sunny and colourful.
- Static effect on the dreamworks introduction shows that their is a problem with something or someone in the film, shows the audience the film will have a twist or challenge in it.

- Dark atmosphere makes the scene scary and eerie.
- Shocked expressions on the girls faces to show they are scared of something or someone, the close up makes the viewers feel scared also.


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