Friday 29 January 2010



First scene with dialogue - Home footage going through the forest

For this first scene we decided to have the characters feel excited, curious and scared about what they may find.

Rebecca: What’s that?

Billy: What’s that?

Rebecca: Up there, Look up there.

Billy: Nah serious.

Second scene with dialogue - Home footage looking at the map

For this second scene we decided to have the characters feel scared, anxious and a sense of excitement when they see the map.

Billy: It’s gotta be ‘round here somewhere, innit.

Jamie: Oh my god.

Rebecca: Look a map!

Billy: Right, map right. So if we go....

Jamie: Yeah but I heard she disappeared like somewhere ‘round here.

Rebecca and Billy: Yeah!

Billy: That’s what I heard as well, around there.

All three characters: Right come on, lets go, yeah.

Third scene with dialogue - Home footage finding the way out

For this third scene we wanted the characters nerves to build, we also wanted them to feel like they were in danger when they reach the ‘No Trespassing’ gate.

Billy: What’s that?

Jamie: Oh my god!

Rebecca: We should go back

Fourth scene with dialogue - Bye!

In this scene the characters say ‘bye’ to each other. In this scene we still wanted them to feel scared and anxious.

Billy: Right, I’ve gotta, I’ve gotta go, see you, see you later.

Jamie and Rebecca: Bye

Fifth scene with dialogue - Watching the news three days earlier

In this scene the characters first act normally, then their anxiety builds when they watch the news then they all act shocked and surprised when the TV cuts out.

Billy: Come on, argh!

Rebecca: Missed did they?

Billy: Does it look like it?

Jamie: Have you seen the news?

Billy: What news, what?

Rebecca: What’s happened?

Billy: What’s happening J, what’s happening?

Rebecca: Why’s it not working?

(News broadcast)

Newsman 1: Good evening, a 13 year old girl is feared missing after she failed to return home last night, my correspondent Tom Fowler is there now, Tom.

Newsman 2: Thank you Josh, I am here now outside Kings forest where the girl was supposedly last seen, her whereabouts are unknown but the hunt for her continu….

(TV cuts out)

Billy: What happened there, what’s happened to the TV J?

Rebecca: What was that?

Jamie: Oh my god!


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